Friday, October 24, 2014

JT's Adoption is Final!!

We finalized JT's adoption on Monday. It doesn't seem possible that a little over two years ago we began this journey. To say that we were overwhelmed at first would be an understatement. We knew that God had led us to adoption for a reason though and we were determined to be as patient as possible until our baby found us. We were blessed beyond measure when M & A chose us and I am SO thankful that God answered our prayers and brought not only JT, but also M and A into our lives. We were terrified of open adoption when we first began our journey but God had a plan for us all along. All of the pieces fell into place just as He had planned. I feel so blessed that He chose to bring us all together and I will be eternally grateful for the gift that M and A entrusted us with.

Our journey is not complete yet though. We feel that our family is meant to grow by two more feet and we hope to welcome a baby girl in the not to distant future. We plan to take the next several months to simply enjoy being a family of four and then we will begin the adoption process anew. We'll need to start from scratch but it will be much easier this time around as we already know what to expect.