Saturday, August 31, 2013

Some of God's Greatest Gifts Are Unanswered Prayers!!

We got the call yesterday afternoon that we've been waiting for, WE WERE CHOSEN!!!!  When our consultant told me the good news, I instantly got chills and I was shaking and of course started crying. I couldn't WAIT to tell Shane. He was pretty elated too!

Throughout this year-long journey, we've heard repeatedly that our baby would find us when the time was right.  We actually heard about the couple who chose us about 8 hours before we were notified about the stork drop situation.  I thought we were being presented to them that same afternoon and when we were contacted about the baby girl who was already born, I assumed they hadn't chosen us.  I prayed incessantly Thursday morning that we would be chosen for the stork drop situation.  Evidently, God knew she wasn't meant to join our family as he already had another sweet little one chosen for us instead.

We still need to fill out some paperwork and such before we are "officially" matched but I just spoke with the expectant mother and it was like talking to an old friend. She and I have a lot in common.  When I told Shane about our conversation and forwarded him the pics she texted me, he said they seem like people we would hang out with. This is SO what I was hoping for!!!  Our journey's not over yet, but barring any unforeseen obstacles we are living proof that some of God's greatest gifts truly are unanswered prayers!!

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